Course curriculum

  • 1

    Course Introduction

    • Course Introduction

  • 2

    Module 1: Attracting more SculpSure patients must start with these 5 strategic steps

    • Introduction

    • Learning Objectives

    • How to Generate Maximum Leads using Unique Branding, a USP, and Website Must-Have's.

    • Laying the Foundation: Who are You?

    • Action Step: Defining Your Identity Worksheet

    • Laying the Foundation: Why Choose to Buy From You?

    • Action Step: Why Buy From You Worksheet

    • Must-Have Website Elements for SculpSure Lead Generation

    • Website Examples

    • Website Recap

    • Action Step: Website Checklist

    • Section Summary

    • Module 1 Quiz

  • 3

    Module 2: Set the Stage for SculpSure Sales Success with your office and your entire team.

    • Want to convert maximum SculpSure sales? It's your customer's perception that matters.

    • Learning Objectives

    • Affordable ways to get your office ready for SculpSure patients.

    • Take these steps to change your intake process for SculpSure patients and to set up your dedicated SculpSure (Aesthetics) Room.

    • Image is important. Every team member should "look the SculpSure part."

    • Action Step: The SculpSure VIP Treatment Protocol worksheet

    • Summary

    • Module 2 Quiz

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    Module 3: How to start a conversation that sells

    • Learning Objectives

    • Why each Member of your Team must have basic knowledge of SculpSure, PLUS the ability to convey that knowledge. And learn why "Props" are so critical.

    • Action Step: Practice these Downloadable Scripts for Receptionists, Team Members & Providers (doctors & mid-levels)

    • Summary

    • Module 3 Quiz

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    Module 4: Your step-by-step guide to turn every phone call into an appointment

    • People buy from people they like. Patients form lasting opinions within minutes after calling you.

    • Learning Objectives

    • The patient phone call. You have only one time to make a good first impression.

    • Core Requirements of the SculpSure call.

    • Action Step: Phone Performance Assessment form.

    • How to turn inquiries about other fat reduction devices into Opportunities to sell SculpSure.

    • Action Step: Step-by-Step Instructions to prepare your phone team about competitive devices.

    • How to handle and manage challenges during SculpSure calls.

    • Action Step: SculpSure Telephone Scripts worksheet.

    • Don't lose a single lead. How to Follow Up and Nurture your Telephone Leads.

    • Action Step: Downloadable Text/Email Templates & Protocols you can use: 1. New Prospects, 2. Old Prospects, 3. Scheduled Patients, 4. Non-Scheduled Patients, 5. Nurturing Emails.

    • Summary

    • Module 4 Quiz

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    Module 5: Tools you must use pre-consultation to persuade patients to buy from you

    • Selling SculpSure starts well before the Consultation.

    • Learning Objectives

    • Use the Team Selling Approach to increase your SculpSure sales closing rate.

    • Action Step: Law of Reciprocity Worksheet

    • Implement the pre-consultation Discovery Process between the Phone Team and the Consultant to maximize SculpSure sales.

    • Action Step: Operating Procedure to Sell SculpSure worksheet

    • Summary

    • Module 5 Quiz

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    Module 6: How to increase your sales at Consultations by using our ‘Build Up’ method

    • Want more sales with a higher profit margin and more revenue? Follow this "Build Up Method" Consultation step-by-step.

    • Learning Objectives

    • Medical Professional vs Sales Professional

    • Image Matters

    • Action Step: The Consultation, your Appearance and the Setting worksheet

    • Breaking down the Consultation. Consultation Part 1: Intro & Pain Points

    • Consultation Part 2: The Sales Presentation

    • Consultation Part 3: Evaluation for Procedure Specifics & Medical Clearance

    • Consultation Part 4: Closing & Pricing

    • General Considerations for Consultations & Pricing Structure

    • How to handle common Objections

    • Summary

    • Module 6 Quiz

    • Consistency Principle of Persuasion

    • Authority Principle of Persuasion

    • Scarcity Principle of Persuasion

    • Consensus Principle of Persuasion

    • Liking Principle of Persuasion

    • Reciprocity Principle of Persuasion

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    Module 7: How to say Yes to any patient and when it’s okay to say No

    • How to make winning SculpSure Treatment Decisions: patient selection criteria, "needs vs wants" & patient un-selection

    • Learning Objectives

    • How to use the Patient Selection Methods we used to build our practice.

    • Action Step: Identifying and Managing Difficult Patients Protocol worksheet

    • Patient Un-Selection. Common reasons why you should say "no."

    • Summary

    • Module 7 Quiz

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    Module 8: A 6-Touch System to increase your sales closing ratio Tenfold

    • Unsold Consultations. The fortune is in the follow up.

    • Learning Objectives

    • The greatest secret in sales: Follow Up Systems & Protocols.

    • Action Step: Polite Persistence worksheet

    • Creating your follow up strategies, follow up processes & follow up systems.

    • Action Step: Examples & Templates

    • Summary

    • Module 8 Quiz

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    Module 9: How to provide an enjoyable treatment experience

    • Your guide to making the SculpSure treatment a highly effective, relationship building, positive experience.

    • Learning Objectives

    • Treatment areas impact the patient experience. How to treat different areas.

    • Setting the stage for the SculpSure treatment. Steps you must take well before treatment begins.

    • The Patient Work Up. Do these things immediately prior to the SculpSure procedure.

    • Final treatment preparations. Negate the fear of the unknown.

    • Step-by-step instructions for the 25-minute SculpSure treatment.

    • Multiple actions to take to manage discomfort during the SculpSure treatment.

    • Action Step: The SculpSure Treatment Protocol Development worksheet

    • Module 9 Quiz

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    Module 10: Tips, Tricks and Tools to get the best results for your patients and more revenue for your office

    • Key actions you must make to maximize and optimize reduction following a SculpSure treatment.

    • Learning Objectives

    • The lymphatic system and the key role it plays in SculpSure treatment fat reduction.

    • Learn how to take Cynosure's Post-Treatment Recommendations further and maximize your patient's reduction.

    • Our secret weapons for the ultimate in post-treatment success.

    • Help your patients achieve amazing reduction with our Ten-X SculpSure Post Treatment Plan

    • Summary

    • Module 10 Quiz

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    Module 11: How to turn patients into loyal fans through your follow up visit process

    • Module 11 Introduction

    • Learning Objectives

    • The Triple Benefit Opportunities of the Follow-Up Visit.

    • Build your business through the multiple components of the Follow-Up Visit.

    • Conflict Resolution.

    • Action Step: SculpSure Follow-Up Visit Protocol Development worksheet

    • Summary

    • Module 11 Quiz

  • 13

    Course Conclusion. Now Implement!

    • Course Conclusion

    • Before you print your certificate

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